"Beaches, Bugs, Birds and Beasts"
Nov. 5th - 6th, 2003
LCRA Matagorda Bay Nature Park

Discussion of the roles of
salt marsh organisms

Introduction to activities concerning migratory birds

Evaluating beak efficiency

Over a two day period, more than 200 fourth and fifth grade students from four elementary schools spent time on Matagorda Beach and in a salt marsh area exploring the Texas coastal ecosystem. The event "Beaches, Bugs, Birds and Beasts" was facilitated by LCRA employees and included the following activities: creating a dichotomous key to identify shells, identifying and describing adaptations of aquatic vertebrates, investigating salt marsh organisms, and experiencing bird adaptations as well as identifying various shore birds based upon physical characteristics.

Examining a turtle shell

Learning about the
function of fins

Investigating a non-venemous
Bull snake